You accept full legal liability for the content of material processed and printed on your behalf and under your instructions.
By submitting the artwork to GivingMail, you certify that you have the right to use the image(s) in your artwork files. If you do not own the copyright for the art that you submit, you certify that you have received permission to use the art from the copyright holder. You further certify that your artwork does not violate any intellectual property rights held by another individual or corporation.
You agree that you will not upload any artwork files depicting offensive, indecent or improper subject matter, or material that could cause any civil or criminal liability under applicable law. You further agree that your artwork does not infringe upon the privacy rights of any persons depicted in the art. GivingMail has the right to refuse any order that in our opinion may be illegal or an infringement of the rights of any third party. We further reserve the right to refuse an order without disclosing a reason.
1 comment
Commenting on Artworks, I am very much aware about the implications and Regulations. I am a Creative Sculptor and an Artist. For Art Talk
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