Depending on the specific element (text, image, or shape) the available properties may differ. Below is an overview of how to change/modify the properties of your specific element.
Updating an Elements Color Properties
- Setting the Fill Color
- Select the element to modify
- Click the Set Element Fill Color
You can either choose a color from the list of available options on the left side of the color dialog or modify one of the CustomCMYK1 – 5 colors to fit your creative.
- Using a CustomCMYK Color
- Click on the CustomCMYK Color Palette you would like to modify
- The Dialog on the right will update and look like the image below:
- Use the C, M, Y, K Sliders to adjust your color or if you already know your CMYK value you may enter them directly into their corresponding box
- When you have completed setting up your color, Press Close
Using a Gradient Color
- Scroll down to on the CustomGradient Color Palette you would like to modify
- The Color Dialog on the right will update and look like the image below:
- You can update the Start and End Colors using 1 of 2 methods:
- Click on the Color Box and update the CMYK Dialog as shown below:
- Use the C, M, Y, K Sliders to adjust your color or if you already know your CMYK value you may enter them directly into their corresponding box
- When you have completed setting up your color, Press Close
- Repeat steps A – C for the other corresponding color
- Click on the Color Box and update the CMYK Dialog as shown below:
- Use the below controls to adjust the gradient appearance:
Gradient Type – Linear or RadialLinear Gradient - creates a band of colors originating from a straight line. Note that the line doesn’t have to be vertical or horizontal or even straight
Radial Gradient - radiates out from a central point. You can adjust the size, and rate of transition in a radial color gradient.
Location 1 – the starting position of color 1Location 2 – the starting position of color 2
Angle – Sets the angle of the color distribution
- Setting the Border/Stroke Color
- Select the element to modify
- Click the Set Element Border Color
You can either choose a color from the list of available options on the left side of the color dialog or modify one of the CustomCMYK1 – 5 colors to fit your creative. Note: instructions for creating a CustomCMYK color swatch are posted earlier in this article.
- The below properties are made available for an element when the border/stroke color is filled:
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